Conversations with Black and Brown in Blue is Back!

The law enforcement profession is facing greater public scrutiny than ever before. Across the nation, communities are discussing reform and accountability for police misconduct, and better approaches to implementing meaningful changes to safety and security of our communities. Similar conversations are occurring throughout the California State University system and other state and regional campuses.

In broadening these discussions at Sonoma State University, former Vice President for Student Affairs, Dr. Wm. Gregory “Doc” Sawyer, in partnership with Chief of Police Nader Oweis, organized a five-part speaker series for students, faculty, and staff that started in September 2021, with a goal of engaging and receiving an introspective look at Black and Brown body people living, working, and serving while in blue. 

In this series, which is co-sponsored by the School of Social Sciences, entitled Conversations with Black and Brown in Blue, a variety of accomplished experts across multiple professional arenas will aim to connect the needs of the community while fostering a more inclusive law enforcement community environment. Our hope is that our speakers will encourage open and honest dialogue in order to reduce barriers and misperceptions. Finally, Conversations with Black and Brown in Blue provides thoughtful insight about ongoing efforts in our communities throughout the nation that hold promise for real substantive and sustainable change.

Please join us on Wednesday, April 6 for an engaging conversation with Dr. Cornelius Dennis, Pastor Kyev Tatum, and Bishop Ronnie White!

Ballroom A, Student Center and via Zoom:
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